Fall in love with the new Sumbody!

Fall in love with the new Sumbody!

Change is literally in the air. Summer fades to fall, the weather cools, vacations are over, school is back in session, routines are renewing, and things are calming down. 
Deborah Burnes
Tagged: Skincare
Goat Milk

Goat Milk

Goat milk has been used in skincare and beauty for centuries. But what makes this ingredient such a skin-loving wonder? Here are some reasons why: It’s loaded with alpha hydroxy acids, like lactic acid, that gently cleanse, exfoliate, and soften skin while stimulating cell renewal and balancing pH levels. 
Deborah Burnes
Tagged: Skincare
Stress-free Holiday Skin

Stress-free Holiday Skin

Stress + skin = disaster. While there’s been a good amount of research on how stress affects our overall health, there’s less talk about how it impacts skin. Even if you can’t see the effects, like a breakout, it causes dehydration, which is damaging to skin. Unmanaged stress can lead to health problems, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and skin issues such as blemishes, redness, excessive dryness, and acne.


Deborah Burnes
Tagged: beauty foods
Transforming Holiday Memories Through Giving

Transforming Holiday Memories Through Giving

Holidays help us remember the small things that are important. Valentine’s Day offers a moment to stop and reflect on our love. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are times for parental appreciation. And the December holidays are all about expression affection through gift-giving.
Deborah Burnes
Tagged: Lifestyle
Detoxifying Skincare – Is My Skincare Really Toxic?

Detoxifying Skincare – Is My Skincare Really Toxic?

The world is hard enough to migrate without adding, “toxic skincare” to the list of concerns. We teach our children to trust their teachers, doctors while shying away from people they do not know. It is a complicated message to have both trust and skepticism and know where and when to draw the line.
Deborah Burnes
Tagged: Skincare
The Amazing Skin Benefits of Sex

The Amazing Skin Benefits of Sex

Tousled hair, rosy cheeks, and a telltale glow. Does this combination sound familiar? The topic of sex is slowly coming out from under the sheets, being talked about more openly and studied in more depth. More and more research is showing the amazing benefits of sex for overall well-being—from mood elevation to physical fitness to heart health. But that’s not all. Sex also works wonders for your skin! When it comes to skin, this may be your fountain of youth. Why? Let’s talk about the birds and the bees:
Deborah Burnes
Tagged: Wellness
Are you a conscious beauty shopper?

Are you a conscious beauty shopper?

April 22 is Earth Day–a time to celebrate our planet and bring awareness to our impact on it. As consumer consciousness expands and evolves, conscious buying power forces industries to follow suit. But what does it mean to be a conscious beauty shopper? Purchasing a skincare or beauty product may seem like a beginning to the buyer. In reality, it’s a latter stage of a long chain of events that get products to market and each link in the chain has its own impact on the Earth in one way or another.
Deborah Burnes
Tagged: Wellness
Habits That Are Not Beneficial To Skin

Habits That Are Not Beneficial To Skin

Most of us tend to feel more confident when we feel good about our appearance. We strive to stay looking youthful and healthy. We’re bombarded with images of airbrushed actresses and models and fed advertisements for miracle products. We find ourselves searching for these secrets. habits
Deborah Burnes
Tagged: Lifestyle
Hydration Matters – 14 days to Perfectly Hydrated Skin

Hydration Matters – 14 days to Perfectly Hydrated Skin

Dehydration increases the signs of aging, breaks down collagen, robs skin of vital nutrients, and reduces elasticity. Dehydration is a skin issue that affects up to 96% of our population. People often associate oil with hydrated skin, but this is only half of the issue. Your skin may be oily but still lack hydration from water, which affects its health and appearance.
Deborah Burnes
Tagged: Skincare
Travel Tips for Perfect Skin

Travel Tips for Perfect Skin

New adventures, visiting friends and family, relaxing self-care, retreats. Vacations are healing for our soul, bring us joy, and lift our spirits. While we all love to get away and indulge, travel can be harsh on skin because we often eat different foods, exercise less, or let other healthy routines slip. Give your skin an extra boost this summer with these travel tips. Here’s what you need to know for healthy skin head-to-toe, wherever you go.
Deborah Burnes
Tagged: Skincare