You don’t need to listen to anyone else when it comes to what your skin needs. Your skin will tell you the whole story.


Wash half of your body with one of our Sumbody bar soaps, and the other with the soap you currently use. It’s that simple. Then just listen to what your skin is telling you.

Also, try switching your skincare to Sumbody. Start by taking a before photo. After using Sumbody natural skincare products on your face for six weeks, take an after photo. You will be amazed at how changing just a single element of your daily routine begins to undo the damage. Not only will your skin tell you that you made a good swap, the younger-looking, healthier you in the mirror will be all the proof you’ll need!


Deborah has often been accused of being psychic, but as she always says, you see it all in your skin–the fight you had with your spouse, the indulgent food and drinks, extended sun exposure, your mood. It is all there! How we feel, what we eat – our whole sumlife shows up on our skin. Products are only a small part of the beauty puzzle. That’s why Deborah has always been committed to sharing her expertise, teaching relaxation techniques, promoting healthy skin nutrition and shaking up the industry with the most powerful beauty ingredient of all – the TRUTH.